2015年畢業于北京協和醫學院,畢業后從事病理學的醫療、教學、科研工作。 現任中國醫學科學院北京協和醫院病理科副教授。參編:《病理標本的檢查及取材規范》《北京協和醫院消化疑難病剖析111例》《婦產科診斷病理學》參譯:《奈特病理學彩色圖譜》文章發表:1.霍真,崔全才等. 肺不典型腺瘤樣增生8例臨床病理研究及文獻復習.中華病理學雜志36(5). 2007年2.霍真,楊堤等.胰腺導管內乳頭狀粘液腫瘤19例的病理學分析. 中華病理學雜志, 37(10). 2008年3.霍真,崔全才等.皮膚血管內T細胞淋巴瘤臨床病理觀察.診斷病理學雜志, 15(5).2008年 4.霍真,盧朝輝.胰腺導管內乳頭狀粘液性癌合并結腸癌1例. 診斷病理學雜志.15(6).2008年 5.霍真,師曉華等.肺支氣管擴張伴發肺神經內分泌細胞增生及微小瘤形成臨床病理學觀察.中華病理學雜志, 41(8).2012年6.霍真,孟云霄等.肺轉移性腺樣囊性癌3例臨床病理觀察.診斷病理學雜志,21(11).2014年7.霍真,楊堤等.大腦半球膠質肉瘤:10例臨床病理觀察.中華病理雜志,43(10).2014年8.霍真,梁智勇等.氣管上段腺樣囊性癌.協和醫學雜志, 6(1). 2015年9.霍真,梁智勇等.MYB蛋白表達在腺樣囊性癌診斷中的意義及MYB基因拷貝數狀況.中華病理學雜志, 44(8). 2015年10.Huo Z, Wu H, et al. Molecular genetic studies on EGFR, KRAS, BRAF, ALK, PIK3CA, PDGFRA, and DDR2 in primary pulmonary adenoid cystic carcinoma. Diagn Pathol. 2015 Sep 15;10:161. 11.Huo Z, Lu H, et al. Primary synovial sarcoma of theright heart involving the tricuspid valve in an elderly Chinese woman: a case report. Diagn Pathol. 2015 Jun 26;10:80. 12.Huo Z, Li J,et al. Organizing pneumonia components in non-specific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP): a clinicopathological study of 33 NSIP cases. Histopathology. 2015 Jun 22.13.Huo Z, Feng R, et al. Clinicopathological findings of focal organizing pneumonia: a retrospective study of 37 cases. Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2015 Jan 1;8(1):511-6. eCollection 2015. 14.Huo Z, Meng Y,et al. Adenoid cystic carcinoma of the tracheobronchial tree: clinicopathologic and immunohistoche-mical studies of 21 cases. Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2014 Oct 15;7(11):7527-35.eCollection 2014. 15. Huo Z, Yang D, et al.Primary gliosarcoma with long-survival: report of two cases and review of literature. Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 2014 Aug 15;7(9):6323-32. eCollection 2014. 16.Huo Z, Wu H, et al. Primary pulmonary mucoepidermoid carcinoma: histopathological and molecular genetic studies of 26 cases. PloS one.2015 Nov 17;10(11):e0143169 17. Bi Y, Huo Z, Liang Z, Meng Y, Jia C, Shi X, Song L, Luo Y, Ling Q, Liu T. Intravascular NK-cell lymphoma: a case report and review of the literature. Diagn Pathol. 2015 Jul 1;10:84. 18.Bi Y, Huo Z, Meng Y, Wu H, Yan J, Zhou Y, Liu X, Song L, Lu Z. Extranodal Rosai-Dorfman disease involving the right atrium in a 60-year-old male. Diagn Pathol. 2014 Jun 9;9:115. 19.Shi X, Wu S, Huo Z, Ling Q, Luo Y, Liang Z. Co-existing of adenoid cysticcarcinoma and invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix: a report of 3 cases with immunohistochemical study and evaluation of human papillomavirus status. Diagn Pathol. 2015 Aug 19;10:145. 20. Zhou Y, Pan B, Mao F, Zhu Q, Huo Z, Wang H, Cai F, Liang Z, Wang C, Zhang Y, Sun Q. A hidden breast lump covered by nipple appendices in a patient with von recklinghausen disease: a case report and review of the literature. Clin Breast Cancer. 2012 Feb;12(1):71-5. 21.Yu M, Yang JX, Wu M, Lang JH, Huo Z, Shen K. Fertility-preserving treatment in young women with well-differentiated endometrial carcinoma and severe atypical hyperplasia of endometrium. Fertil Steril. 2009 Dec;92(6):2122-4. 課題項目:1.人體少見腫瘤的分子病理研究 基金來源:中國醫學科學院中央級公益性科研院所基本科研業務費 (5萬元)參加課題項目:1. CTLA-4基因變異及表達異常在胸腺瘤患者發生重癥肌無力中的作用及其研究機制 基金來源:國自然青年基金(23萬元)2. K-RAS對結腸癌轉移相關蛋白的調節機制及組織芯片的研究 基金來源:國自然面上項目(8萬元)