安媛,醫學博士,畢業于北京大學醫學部,現為北京大學醫學部內科學風濕免疫科副主任醫師。自2005年以來,從事風濕免疫專業的臨床工作,認真完成教學及繼續教育工作任務。研究生學習期間主要從事“早期類風濕關節炎的自身抗原的篩選”,熟悉蛋白質組研究的常用試驗技術,具有一定的科研能力。已在中華風濕病雜志和中國醫學雜志專業性雜志上發表數篇中文論著(見附件)。參與編譯了《臨床證據》、《關節炎概要》、《內科學應試指南》-風濕性疾病等書籍。 Yuan AN, MD Associate Professor of Rheumatology Department of Rheumatology and Immunology People’s Hospital, Peking University Beijing, 100044 China Dr. An studied clinical medicine in Beijing Medical University. She received medical doctorate in 2005. Dr. An is now an associate professor of Rheumatology in People’s Hospital. She is specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic vasculitis, et al. The pathogenesis and the new treatment strategies of rheumatic disease are her mainly research area. Her biggest dream is to become a good clinician.